After enrolling for the vestibular (admission exam) at UNASP payment must be made. This must be done in Brazil via Boleto Bancário at the bank's offices or online before it expires. If the Boleto Bancário expires you can request a second copy of it by accesing our page ``Processo Seletivo``. Insert your registration information and print your new Boleto Bancário.
Ask a monitor, could be your School Principal, Pastor, Education Department Director or Treasurer in your country to apply the exam. The same must be taken at the same day and time as the one in Brazil. (make sure to take into account the different time zones).
For further inquiry contact us at this email:
To proceed with the enrollment go to the campus where you have chosen to study and hand over a copy of your documents. RNE, equivalency of studies, academic transcripts from elementary school and secontary school with seal of the Brazilian consulate or embassy at your contry.
to get your RNE, email Policía federal at or call
+55 11 3535-5345
To acquire your student visa you must request a declaration of student from your dean's office. Submit this form to the Brazilian Consulate and request the Student Via. The Visa is granted for one year. If the duration of your course is longer than a year, you must renew it accordingly.
UNASP is an institution that motivates its students to care about each other. Through humanitarian aid, besides academic formation you have the opportunity to participate in social projects in different cultures and countries around the world.
BROWSE ALL PROJECTSAre you coming to UNASP and you do not know the language? Don’t worry! We value your education and offer you the change to take a full immersion Portuguese course in addition to the classes. Keep involved in the campus routine and enjoy a unique experience constantly making new friends and memories at UNASP.
Live and study in the same place is a singular experience to your structure!
Estrada Municipal Pastor Walter Boger, S/N - Lagoa Bonita, Eng. Coelho - SP, 13448-900
Estrada Mun. Pr. Walter Boger, km 3,5 Cep 13448-900 - Caixa postal 88 / Eng. Coelho – SP